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Fat Tissue Absorption

Liposuction is a method with which, by means of a negative pressure (aspiration), subcutaneous fat tissue is permanently removed from the areas where it has been excessively accreted. In order to remove the tissue by using the technique of liposuction, in the first place, a special solution is infiltrated which subdivides it (hydro-liposuction). The surgical treatment is performed with special cannulas connected with a negative pressure source, which penetrate at the desired spot through a few millimetres wide incision. Having in mind the modern way of living, with a high-caloric and immoderate diet, and insufficient physical activity and training, all this results in excessive building up of the fat tissue.

To this process are especially liable these regions: double chin, upper and lower section of abdomen, waist, outer and inner side of thighs and knees (predilection areas). In these areas it is impossible to achieve a satisfying result with dieting, training or cosmetic treatment, but only by removing fat tissue with the method of liposuction. So exactly because of that, this surgical operation is more and more common in the world, and there is almost no part of the body from which the excess fat tissue cannot be removed with this method (arms, back, lower legs, backside), and in this manner a satisfying look of the configuration pattern can be achieved. In principle, there can be no significant fat tissue accretions in the areas that have been surgically treated.

Pre-operational treatment depends on the type of anaesthesia used in the surgical treatment, and is relative to laboratory tests of blood and urine samples, and ECG. Depending on the size of the area that intends to be surgically treated, this operation can be performed under the local anaesthesia (minor areas), or under spinal anaesthesia for the lower part of the body, and general anaesthesia. After the surgical treatment, the patient stays at the in-patient clinic of the Polyclinic for one day. Exemption from extensive physical activities is necessary for a couple of days. After the surgical operation, it is necessary to wear a special corset for 30 – 60 days.

Vibroliposuction, abbreviated PAL – Power Assisted Lipoplasty.

Liposuction is surgical procedure where negative pressure is being applied to remove fat tissue from the body. Hydroliposuction is a procedure where prior to the suction, liquid is being inserted inside the fat tissue to shatter it. In this case, fat tissue is being removed with negative pressure, not in small pieces, but rather in form of a thick yellow mass of destructed fat.

The end result of the surgical procedure depends on the liquid that destructs the fat tissue, on the negative pressure and the hand of the operator that moves the probe through the tissue.

Vibroliposuction adds to this process the vibration of 10 Hz per second. Because of this, the injection of the liquid is spread more evenly, and the suction itself is of a better quality with less damages and bruises. When the top of the probe leaves the fat tissue towards the skin, or goes deeper towards the muscles and their shells, the probe stops itself automatically.

Advantages :

1. Vibroliposuction is a procedure that brings together classic surgical technique of hydroliposuction with the cutting edge vibrating technology.
2. This technology enables shorter operations and as a result, shortens the time during which the patient is under narcosis.
3. Furthermore, this technology provides for a better precision during the surgical procedure.
4. The tissue will endure less stress, bruises will be smaller as well as the pain during the operation. The rehabilitation will be better so will the final results.

This is the only device of this kind in Croatia and Slovenia. During the acquisition of this device we have taken advices from the leading aesthetic surgeons in the world: Dr. ILOUZ – French specialist, one of the pioneers of vibroliposuction, Dr. LUIZ TOLEDO – one of the most famous Brazilian aesthetic surgeons, and Dr. ANGELO REBELO from Portugal.

Today, in the modern medicine, it is very hard to think of liposuction without the pump for injection of the liquid inside of the fat tissue and vibrating probe for suction.

Before and after:

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