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Minor Surgical Operations

Minor surgical operations on the skin belong to the field of aesthetic surgery, if the object of the surgical treatment occurs on the perceivable spot (the face) and if after the operation an aesthetically satisfying result of the scar treatment is expected. This can also be relevant to all other spots on the surface of the body, as well as if there is a wish for a resulting effect to be aesthetically satisfying as much as possible. These minor surgical treatments comprise all surface growths, as are the following: warts, fibromae, atheromae (sebaceous gland tumours), minor hemangiomae (blood vessel tumours), and nevi (moles), that comprise the group of pigment skin mutations. All these mutations are in principle of benign nature, but it is advisable, especially for the private medical practice, to send each removed part or tissue for hystopatological laboratory analysis. Special attention should be focused on skin moles that start to change their colour, discharge, perimetric bleeding or size. In connection with the skin moles that are located at the spots of the body that are constantly being mechanically irritated (e.g. men shaving, the weighting down of the skin by the clothes), it is indicated to surgically remove them, precisely because of the medical prevention, and not only for aesthetic reasons.

Most frequent surgical treatments in the field of minor surgical operations are the following:

Incision (cutting) – performed in the first place to enable the removal of the running substance (e.g. pus inflammatory development). In principle, this method does not lead to the healing outcome, because usually the inflammatory process capsule could not be permanently removed in this way, and so a repeated surgical intervention is necessary in its non-inflammatory phase – when the inflammation subsides

Excision (cutting out) – an operation that includes a complete removal of the altered tissue all through the benign tissue and is sent for the laboratory histopathological analysis. The wound after the operation is stitched up in accordance with the principles of aesthetic surgery, and if the defect is too massive, some of the plastic reconstructive surgery method is then applied.

Ablation (cutting off) – the removal of the altered skin tissue development of a minor skin area, with no repeated stitching up. The skin area after the cutting off can, if bleeding, be burned away with electric scalpel.

Sclerosis (injecting of the sclerosing fluid) – applied at varicose capillaries and veins, usually on legs.

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